In addition to flowers, I also grow a lot of vegetables in my garden. My garden is a cottage garden where all kinds of plants grow together so my family and I get the many benefits of fresh vegetables in our daily life.

I recently felt like making homemade gyōza for dinner. I picked some napa, nira (garlic chives), green onions and Korea perilla from the garden. I also grabbed a head of garlic I had harvested from my garden and dried this spring.

I chopped everything up into small pieces, mixed in some ground pork, ginger, and soy sauce, and wrapped the mixture in homemade gyōza wrappers. I don’t always make homemade wrappers but I had an extra energy to do so this time.

My favorite dipping sauce is easy:
1 part soy
2 parts rice vinegar
A drizzle of hot chili oil
Our son ate so many. He reminded me how much I loved making and eating gyōza at home with my family.
Gochisōsama deshita!